Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An Excerpt from Casey Anthony's letter to her inmate friend

To be able to smile every day and to be able to laugh, even after everything that has can we not be grateful to the endless love that He has given us?  Every single day I pray for the end of this journey, for our miracles, but I've realized something, we're on two journeys at the same time - our growth with Christ, and the true end of our old lives.  We have been born again, my sister, and man! does that feel good :) 

So prayer is that her relationship with God is truly genuine.  From reading sure sounds that she has gained some foundation being in Jail. Yes...she was aquitted and yes....God is in Control and He judges the actions and hearts.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony found NOT GUILTY

God's will be done!!!

I am mixed with the verdict.  I remember reading her inmate letters and writing a whole post on how I felt about her relationship with God.  In her letters, she talked about how she was trusting in God and looking at light at the end of the tunnel.  So I guess God has delivered her out of this tunnel.

My greatest prayer is that we will get answers as to how the baby died.  Did she really drown?  Did George Anthony dump the body?  How could this baby be found in the swamp?  I am saddened by no answers.  Is there any chance of a confession.  She might have confessed to the Lord but does she still have to confess others....I believe that as a believer you should also make it right with others....maybe her parents.  End of story.  So is this the end of this Crazy Case....Casey Anthony.

I just hope this doesn't turn into a Hollywood movie story....I just hope this family has some sense to them if they are leaning on God.

My prayer is that this young woman will completely make a turn around and grow with her relationship with God.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Jury deliberations in Casey Anthony trial

And now the waiting begins...

I wonder how long it will take.  I have such mixed feelings as to this whole case.  Unfortunately, I highly believe they will find this young woman, Casey Anthony, as guilty of murder.  What I find to be heart wrenching is that she still stands as not-guilty.  No...she didn't say that maybe the baby died via accident because she was being a reckless mother but she is still saying she is non-guilty whatsoever.  SAD!!

I hope the conviction of God grips her heart and she finally does confess.  I hope she stops the lies and as a child of God confess.